M2S - Honey B. Lovely


TR/MH partners
RTMH for line North to South


Alarm 1: Mid bait then yolo after 4th bee.
You may see: MarioKart from North

Beat 1: Stack starts south after towers and rotates with the hearts
Beat 2: Braindead variation 1s mid and 0s south.
https://raidplan.io/plan/-o2bHXKgMaTh6CVc (opens in a new tab) (It does not matter what the 1's do as long as they dont get in the way of 0s)
Beat 3: Clock spots for defamations
https://raidplan.io/plan/0YJLtnlKGoXvwuKD (opens in a new tab)
Alarm 2: Supp north, DPS south
https://raidplan.io/plan/ssm3j8HiuHtyQVpB (opens in a new tab)
Rotten bee: Go in at 6 seconds left on debuff.
https://raidplan.io/plan/pkzpK2tlPJdAtzkL (opens in a new tab)
